
Thought-provoking experiments that challenge us to imagine and create what the world could be like in the years, decades, or even centuries to come.

Project Anti-Detection

Project Anti-Detection

Status: Active · Field: Cybersecurity

An experiment to understand how governments, corporations, and hackers identify and track users through digital fingerprint parameters.

Project Custom GPTs

Project Custom GPTs

Status: Completed · Field: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Developed capabilities to develop any custom GPTs and published 16 future-focused custom GPTs on the OpenAI GPT Store. Read more about this experiment here.

Project Afterlife Memorial

Project Afterlife Memorial

Status: Planning · Field: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)

Planning the scope for this experiment. Coming soon.

Project Hyperrealism

Project Hyperrealism

Status: Active · Field: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

An experiment to develop cutting-edge workflows and diffusion models capable of creating hyper-realistic images indistinguishable from photographs. Combining advanced techniques like latent diffusion models, LoRA, SafeTensor, super-resolution, and GANs. Click here to learn more.

Project Genome - CRISPR-CAS9

Project Genome – CRISPR-Cas9

Status: Active · Field: Biotechnology

An experiment to understand the gene editing tool CRISPR-Cas9 and collaborate with scientists and researchers to get answers to the associated critical questions for our future.

Project Paroxysm

Project Paroxysm

Status: Completed · Field: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

An experiment to understand AI diffusion models and push them to their edge. It was launched as an AI art gallery with output artworks.

Have a passion for experimenting with future possibilities? Connect at [email protected] to collaborate with Gaurav Dhiman.